Make a Bootable Windows 11 USB on macOS
This should also work for Windows 10.
Install wimlib
This is required to split the .wim file on the ISO into a useable size
brew install wimlib
Get the USB drive's identifier
diskutil list external
This post assumes the identifier is disk4
Format the USB drive
diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS "WINDOWS11" GPT disk4
Mount the Windows 11 ISO
hdiutil mount ~/Downloads/Win11_English_x64v1.iso
Copy everything but the .wim file
rsync -avh --progress --exclude=sources/install.wim /Volumes/CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9/ /Volumes/WINDOWS11
Split the .wim file and copy to USB
wimlib-imagex split /Volumes/CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9/sources/install.wim /Volumes/WINDOWS10/sources/install.swm 3800
Voilà! You now have a bootable Windows 11 USB drive.