Tips & Tricks Move Directories Based on Name I recently needed to restructure a folder that contained thousands of subdirectories and millions of files so that I could archive them in a (slightly) more manageable way. All of the files were organized into subfolders named after the day they were created, e.g. 9_11_2001. At the
Forwarding M365 Group to External Email The trick is to use the message To box condition instead of the recipient. Otherwise it will give this error: Error executing cmdlet: |System.ArgumentException|SentTo predicate does not allow distribution groups. '[email protected]'. Exception of type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PSDirectInvoke.DirectInvokeCmdletExecutionException' was thrown. 1.
Microsoft Change Microsoft Forms Ownership From Former Employees This is really easy to do, but it took some digging to figure out. As a global admin, go to[email protected], where [email protected] is replaced by—as you might have guessed—the former employee's UPN. I
macOS Audiobook Tab Missing From iPhone Sync I ran into a problem where the Audiobooks tab was missing from the iPhone sync page in Finder. No matter what I did I could not get it to show up. As it turns out, the solution was more simple than it seemed. Basically, I did not actually have any
iOS Reconnect HomePod After Wi-Fi Password Update If you change your Wi-Fi password (same SSID) and your HomePod won't reconnect, try this. On your iPhone, go into Settings > Wi-Fi and tap the ⓘ icon on the name of the network in question. Tap Forget This Network. Reconnect to the network. The HomePod should grab the
Azure Azure AD Log Analytics Workspace Missing I received the following error while trying to view Azure AD > Security > Conditional Access > Insights and reporting: In order for you to be able to leverage Log Analytics or Workbooks you first need to get permission for one of the following workspaces: ... It also appeared when navigating
Apple Make a Bootable Windows 11 USB on macOS This should also work for Windows 10. Install wimlib This is required to split the .wim file on the ISO into a useable size brew install wimlib Get the USB drive's identifier diskutil list external This post assumes the identifier is disk4 Format the USB drive diskutil eraseDisk
Azure Switch Tenants in Azure CLI Suppose your Microsoft 365 account is configured with access to multiple Microsoft 365 tenants in Azure AD. Using the Azure Portal affords you the ability to easily switch between tenants from the user menu. Unfortunately it is not as easy from the Azure CLI.
UniFi UniFi Access VLAN When installing UniFi Access equipment you might wonder how to set it all up on a separate VLAN. I was unable to find any available documentation on 1. Go through the initial controller setup for UniFi Access on 2. In the UniFi Network controller, create
Azure Bulk Delete All Azure Resources Sometimes you need a fresh start. Your personal account in Azure is no exception. Instead of painstakingly using the Azure Portal to delete each resource one at a time, here's a quick way to do it. Disclaimer This will delete all resources and resource groups in Azure. Please
Tips & Tricks Multi-file Tarballs Recently I made the tough decision to stop using Dropbox because I am paying for 2TB of space on iCloud through an Apple One subscription. During the process of copying files from Dropbox to iCloud, I encountered the iCloud file size limit[^1] of 50GB. This threw a wrench in